

There are few things in this world that piss me off more than televangelists. They are the scum of the earth and should be stopped at all costs. The fact that people believe this garbage is scary, the fact that people pay their hard earned money to see this circus in person is worrying to me. If you believe in God and all that more power to ya, that's your right. Just one question though, if God really is healing you, why doesn't he do it himself? Why would he go thru a man on stage charging people money to use the services of what should be free? Did Jesus charge the blind man he gave sight back to? Did Jesus build mega domes and invite his followers to hear his message for the low, low price of $35?
It's fucking infuriating and I don't even believe in all that out dated vodoo and superstitions. I will say this though, the video below is pretty god damn funny. Your basic televangelists heals the fat lady with the hurtin' hip. And I'm sure this lady is just fine now, I mean come on, BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM......

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