The sicko pictured above is Ortise Ayu. He was arrested Oct. 9th for ejaculating on a woman's arm and exposing himself to her at a local library. Police were able to chase him down and make an arrest at the scene. I can't even imagine the horror this lady went thru that day at the library. No one should have to be a victim of something like that. But I had to laugh when I read this line in the article:
DNA evidence was obtained from the woman. She did not know the man but was able to provide a description of him to police.
First this poor lady gets spunked on then she has sit there with it all over her arm while the crime scene gang gets down there with a sample bottle.
"Sorry mam, I know you want to wash your arm off but we're gonna need to save that and get it to the lab."
Fuck that noise! Put that shit in a baggie or wipe it on a magazine from off the rack, just don't leave it sliming all over my arm. Plus, it's good to see the word ejaculate in a headline. My other favorite part is at the bottom of the page. There's a "If You Like This Story...." section all about dudes jiz bombing people. Apparently it's a wide spread problem. Below the link is a video of one of my favorite library scenes.
FoxDC has the whole story
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