
"No, these are tits!"

Leave it to the Smoking Gun to have the best stories. Today's gem come to us from Florida, of course it does. The lovely woman pictured above as either having a really bad day or just loves whippin' out the sweater puppies. Laura Campanello, 43, was at her son's school for a meeting with a guidance counselor when she decided to not only embarrass her son for the rest of his life but also got into a verbal spat with another woman about her attire. Campanello stopped a woman she saw in the hall and told her to cover up her cleavage, she said it was not appropriate dress for school. An argument broke out and a school resource officer had to step in.

The officer explained to Campanello that she was not an employee and could dress the way she wanted to. Campanello then whipped out her own breasts, smooshed them together and said, "Then I can do this......"
The real police were called and Campanello was arrested and her son will never be able to show his face again. Thanks Mom!
Smoking Gun has the article

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