
Blame it on the Ghost

Times are rough right now and some people have to resort to any means necessary to make a buck. With the price of copper right now it only makes sense that thieves would be all over it. This isn't a new crime at all but this guy might have come up with a new way to steal the pipes, have a ghost do it.
Anthony Spicer, 29, from Linwood, OH was busted after cops found him in an abandoned school with a pair of pipe cutters. He told police that he was there doing some ghost hunting and just happened to come across the cutters. Spicer stood before a local judge last week and explained to him that the ghost who haunt the school were the ones who took the pipes. Spicer told the judge, “It’s supposed to be haunted,” and the judge's only reply was “You don’t expect me to believe that, do you?”.
Police also found a bag that was big enough to carry the pipes out and when questioned about that Spicer stuck to his same ghost story. The crook was placed on probation for three years, the judge ordered him to get a job and to pay $740 in restitution -- $440 for damage to some of the copper pipes and $300 to replace the window broken to get into the school. And the curse of the copper-cutting ghost lives on!!
Cincinnati News has the story

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