Drugs in sports are by no means a new thing, they've been around forever. Be it legal or illegal some of the best athletes have used drugs. I mean shit, could you imagine what the NFL in '80s would have been like without cocaine and Lawrence Taylor. I don't want to think about a world like that.
Over the years drugs evolved and so did the elaborate excuses that came with the failed drug tests. If there's one thing a pro athlete doesn't know about it drugs and how they got into their bodies. Recently, Milwaukee Brewer Ryan Braun failed a league test and the excuses starting flying. I remember seeing somewhere that the failed test could of come from herpes medication. Come on man, really! Well it turns out that Braun was cleared because his urine sample was mis-handled by the league testing office and blah blah blah. It's always someone else's fault, never the guy who actually took the drug. Braun isn't the first pro star to push off the blame and he won't be the last. I will say this though, his excuse was pretty lame compared to some in the past. Take for instance Spanish race walker Daniel Plaza, an Olympic gold medalist, who blamed his positive test for nandrolone, a performance enhancing drug, on having oral sex with his pregnant wife. Ewwwwwww! Or how about Richard Gasquet, a French tennis player, who tested positive for cocaine at a tournament in Florida a few years ago. He said he kissed a girl who had ingested cocaine at a nightclub. A tribunal cleared him to return to competition. Of course, the old "I made out with a coked up chick at the bar" excuse. Bud Shaw and Mental Floss put together the Top 18 Failed Drug Test Excuses and I have to say these athletes are not only good at their sport but they also win first prize in the bullshit category.
Read the full list at Mental Floss
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