
Cop Gets Busted For DUI

Nothing new here, but it's still funny to point out people who are paid to enforce the law and then think they can get away without breaking it themselves. Like this cop here in Boulder, CO who thought she'd go out for a couple of drinks and drive herself home. It was her turn to be on the other side of the law.

Officer Elizabeth Ward was picked up for suspicion of driving drunk last week after a fellow officer found her pulled over on the side of the road. When the on-duty cop saw her car on the shoulder he stopped and asked her what the problem was. Ward's reply, "I'm drunk." The officer then tried to administer a field sobriety test but Ward told him that "No, I'm not going to be able to do it."
The 36yr. old Ward had been seen earlier swerving in and out of lanes and driving well over the speed limit before she decided to pull it over for a quick break. This isn't the first time a Boulder officer has been busted for drinking and driving. Just last month Detective Scott Morris was spotted speeding and was busted for DUI. Some of the arresting officers on that case recognized Morris from previous stops and a little bit of digging turned up the fact that Detective Morris had been pulled over 44 times in the past few years but was never issued a ticket. Ward & Morris are part of a growing problem for the Boulder Police Department and Chief Mark Beckner says an internal investigation is underway and that both Ward and Morris have been placed on administrative leave. So basically nothing will happen to them, no jail time and they both get to come back to their jobs once the whole thing blows over. That's not what the report says but we all know how these "internal investigations" work themselves out in the end.
CBS Denver has the story

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