
The Minty Fresh Taste of Spooge

This might be on the grossest stories I've posted on here and that's saying something. A student in Saginaw, MI has been arrested after a prank went wrong and left a bad taste in another students mouth. Pictured above is 18yr. old Jordan Drake and he's charged with adulterating a food item. Apparently Jordan decided that he was going to pull one over on his classmates and switch out the contents of an Ice Drops breath mint bottle with his own semen. Drake was busted after a female student complained to the principal that Drake had given her a "mint" that tasted kind of funny. Drake later admitted to the prank and was suspended on the spot. The courts have ruled that he's protected under the Holmes Youthful Training Act which means that if he completes his probation the crime will never show up on his record. Drake's attorney tried to get the charges dropped saying that breath mints don't fall under Michigan's definition of "food", the judge denied that request. The 18yr. old has enough credits to graduate and school officials said that his only punishment from them would be not being able to participate in the graduation ceremony and the courts will handle the rest.
MLive has the full story

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