
Michigan's Largest Porn Collection is Missing

It's one thing to have someone break into your house and steal your TV, money, or whatever other valuables you may have lying around but it's another thing to steal a man's porn collection. Especially if that porn collection holds the title of being the largest personal porn collection in the whole state. Well, at least that's what the victim is claiming.
Police in Muskegon, MI say a man was robbed of his prized porn collection this past Tuesday. It all started early evening when the homeowner arrived at his residence and noticed that the back door had been kicked in. After a quick search of the home the victim noticed 3 large flat screen TVs had been stolen along with his giant box of porn. The homeowner claims that his collection was the largest in the entire state of Michigan and placed a value of $6,500 on it. Good god man, that's a lot of skin flicks! According to the police report it was not specified whether the collection consisted of magazines, DVDs, or other assorted goodies. Muskegon Police have yet to find any leads but say eventually somethings gotta pop up. Huh, see what I did there? In the meantime cops told the man to just use his imagination and make due.
MLive has the full story

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