
Cop Eats An Entire Cake Laced With Pot

Now this might be one of the funniest stories I've read in awhile. It's funny on a few different levels, the first being that a cops daughter brought a cake laced with pot into her house then her cop dad ate it. The 2nd being his reaction to the high. I don't think I've ever seen a grown man overact to this degree before, all because he was a little baked. Amateur.
Police Chief Mike Berkemeir from Laurelville, OH got his first taste of that sweet, sweet ganja cake last week. He had a busy day ahead of him that started with a hospital visit to see his oldest daughter. He was in such a rush that he didn't have a chance to grab a bite to eat. On the way out the door he noticed a cake sitting on the kitchen counter and thought it would be perfect for a quick snack so he ate the entire thing. What a lard ass. When he arrived at the hospital he noticed that he wasn't feeling right and things went downhill from there,

“I was on the phone with my daughter in the hospital, and I’m talking to her and I’m answering questions, but I’m not remembering what I just said. I’m going, ‘What is wrong me?' "

He decided to go outside and try to get some fresh air but this feeling rushing over him was just getting worse. Berkemeir continued on with his day and headed towards the police station but by the time he arrived he couldn't handle it anymore and had some fellow officers take him back to the hospital. Doctors gave him a sedative that knocked him out for a few hours and when he woke up the terrible feeling was all gone and he felt better. It turns out Berkemeir's youngest daughter had a friend over at the house and the friend had brought along the ganja cake and left it on the counter. That strange, horrifying feeling the police chief was experiencing was THC coursing through his body,

“It was flat out the worst experience of my entire life. I have never felt like I was going to die before. Not knowing what has happened to you and feeling like you have no control over what’s happening and not knowing what’s happened, is, I can’t even describe. I felt like I was out of my mind, I thought I was dying.”
Give me a break and lighten up Francis. You thought you were going to die?! Really? Maybe next time you shouldn't eat an entire cake. I realize he didn't know it was laced but come on man, have a slice and call it a day. The Sheriff's office is looking into pressing charges but hasn't said much more than that. Here's a tip too, next time you get that feeling and you don't know what to do, find the nearest video game console and snuggle up to a bag of Doritos and ride it out. What a lightweight.
The Epoch Times has the story

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