
Jazz Legend Freaks Out On His Band

Buddy Rich was best known for his skills on the drums but those that knew Buddy and played for him knew that he was famous for something else. His temper. Rich was a perfectionist and expected the same from his bands over the years. As per the YouTube description,
Rich's temper, mercurial attitude and imposing personality are documented in secret recordings that pianist Lee Musiker made during some of his tantrums on tour buses and backstage in the early 1980s. These recordings, long circulated in bootleg form, have done much to fuel the reputation of Rich's personality. On one recording, Rich threatens to fire Dave Panichi, a trombonist, for wearing a beard. Although Rich was usually helpful and friendly, he had a short temper. While he threatened many times to fire members of his band, he seldom did so, and for the most part he lauded his band members during television and print interviews. Dusty Springfield allegedly slapped Rich after several days of "putting up with Rich's insults and show-biz sabotage."

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