I don't know whats in the water over in India but they seem to have the market cornered when it comes to "what the fuck" diseases. Whenever I hear of some kind of medical anomaly I usually say, "Probably from India" cause most of the time it is.
A man was submitted to the hospital in Bhopal, India after complaining of stomach pains. Once doctors were able to take a look inside the man they found something that would normally belong in a woman, a uterus along with ovaries, fallopian tubes, a cervix and underdeveloped vaginal tissue. One doctor said;
"Usually the contents of the Hernia Sac are abdomen organs like large intestines and small intestines but when we operated on the patient we were surprised to find female reproductive organs. We have removed the organs through a hysterectomy and repaired the hernia."
Dr.Shrivastava said the man appeared healthy and had never had any kind of pain before this incident. Medically, the man is a hermaphrodite despite the appearance of your standard male organs.
TelegraphUK has the full story
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