
R.I.P Hightower

This past week we lost one of the original "big guys" in the NFL, the great Bubba Smith. Bubba was one of the first big linemen to hold a spot in the NFL back in the '60s, he came out of Michigan State at 6'7" and weighing in at 280 and crowds used to chant "Kill Bubba Kill" when he hit the field. Remembered by his teamates as a beast on the field they say he was the exact opposite off the field. He was gentle giant who would be held up as one of the ambassadors of the game even after his career ended. He left the league and went on to a successful acting career. First in Miller Lite beer ads and then moved on to his most memorable role, Sgt. Moses Hightower in the Police Academy movies. Below are some clips of the great Bubba Smith.

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