
Naked Meth Jog

There's not much to say about this story. You got a guy up in Michigan high on meth running naked down the street and that's pretty much it. My favorite part is what the naked jogger told the police after they tased him. He told the officers that he became paranoid and took off all of his clothes and decided to run down the street. The best part, he told the officers that he would never take the drug again and they let him go. The article doesn't give a bunch of details why he was let go but prosecutors reviewed the case and decided not to press charges. My guess is that the dude decided to fire up some crank and had a bad trip and the prosecutors felt that was punishment enough. Plus, he has to live with the fact that the picture above is all over on-line and on the news. Meth is a helluva drug.
Click on Detroit has the report

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