
The Sellout to Beat All Sellouts

Back in the '80s Twisted Sister released their song "We're Not Gonna Take It" and it quickly became the rallying cry for teenagers everywhere. It was the anthem of teen angst and it meant just what it said, "We're not gonna take your shit anymore!!" Even in the classic video it showed kids standing up to their parents and their ridiculous rules. Fast forward to the year 2012 and it's apparently taken on a whole new meaning. Now it means "We're not gonna take a hotel that makes us leave our rooms to get a cup of coffee in the morning. Oh and free wi-fi, you better give me my free god damn wi-fi." I realize classic rock songs are used out of context all the time in commercials but I have to say this one is by far the worst. Even worse than The Beatles "Revolution" being used in the Nike commercial.

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